
GenRocket Blog

The Rise of the Machines: GenRocket Synthetic Training Data for Machine Learning

Some analysts believe that the market for machine learning may surpass $9 Billon USD this year. The surge in growth in the ML market is exponential as new avenues for…

Happy New Year! 2022 GenRocket

Happy New Year! From everyone at GenRocket, we wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2023. We’re thankful that 2022 was a fruitful year for both GenRocket and our clients.…

Take Your Software Performance Testing Strategy to the Next Level

Software performance testing is a form of non-functional testing that’s critical to providing a great user experience and ensuring the stability and scalability of any software application under heavy load…

Why Traditional Data Masking is Evolving to Synthetic Data Masking

We are often asked if GenRocket can perform data masking. The answer is, “Yes, of course – and with ease.” But like many questions asked about synthetic test data, the…

How Intelligent Automation Accelerates Test Data Provisioning

The GenRocket Test Data Automation platform has been in development for more than 10 years with a vision of accelerating and automating the delivery of accurate, controlled test data into…

5 Ways to Get Started Using Synthetic Test Data

Choose Your Starting Point: 5 Ways to Utilize Synthetic Test Data with GenRocket Dev & test is under constant pressure to quickly develop and test new code. They’re accustomed to…

Secure Cloud Transformation in Healthcare

The meaningful use of electronic health records (EHR) has been at the forefront of the healthcare IT conversation since the 2014 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. As of 2019, the…

How Synthetic Data Fuels Digital Transformation in Healthcare

The healthcare sector is on the verge of a revolution in data and analytics, but the advancement of data-driven decision making has been hampered by difficulties in updating legacy systems,…

How to Leverage Metadata for Synthetic Data Generation

Enterprise Metadata Management is technology used to centrally manage and deliver high quality data and trusted information for business analysis and decision-making. Metadata is often referred to as “data about…