
GenRocket Blog

How Developers Use Synthetic Data for Accelerated Unit Testing

The strategy of Shifting left means performing software testing earlier in the SDLC so that defects can be detected when they are faster and easier to correct. Software bugs that…

Financial Services Firms Accelerate their Migration to the Cloud

Until recently, the global financial services industry (estimated at $22.5 trillion in 2021) has been slow to adopt cloud computing for its core processing functions. Entrenched legacy applications, uncertain cybersecurity…

The Power of Augmenting Production Data with Synthetic Data

Obtaining test data for functional testing usually involves copying and subsetting the production data values used by the software under test. Production data must be carefully masked to comply with…

How Synthetic Data Delivers Quality at Speed in Financial Services

A global financial services company follows an Agile development process to continuously update their core applications. They have established a continuous delivery pipeline for releasing new features into production and…

How a Single Bug Can Trigger a Massive Outage

QA professionals know the importance of full test coverage for catching hidden software defects. The impact of undetected bugs that leak into production can range from inconsequential to nothing short…

Synthetic Data Redefines the Test Data Lifecycle

In traditional Test Data Management (TDM), the test data lifecycle is based on the premise that some or all data used for testing is sourced from production. A full or…

How Self Service Test Data Enables DevOps at Scale

Software release frequencies are continuously accelerating. The latest Capgemini/Sogeti Continuous Testing Report 2020 measured the release frequencies for 500 large enterprises in North America and Europe. The results, shown in…

A Streamlined Process for Self-Service Test Data Provisioning

As the technology leader in synthetic test data generation, GenRocket has created a new paradigm for Test Data Management (TDM) to meet the need for speed when testing in Agile…

Designing Dynamic Data for Complex Workflow Testing

Wikipedia defines dynamic data as information that changes asynchronously over time as new information becomes available. In financial services, the term is synonymous with transactional data, but the concept of dynamic data…