
GenRocket Blog

How to Provision Test Data for Continuous Automation Testing

Seems like every QA organization is implementing test automation to make their transition to continuous testing. Continuous delivery (CD) is the “new normal” for software development and CD all but…

TDG is Next Generation of Test Data Management

The dominos are falling. As software development evolves to fully embrace strategies for increasing the speed of development, a sequence of events has been set in motion. Faster release cycles…

How GenRocket Enables Enterprise-Class Test Data Generation Deployment

GenRocket has introduced several new enterprise-class test data generation (TDG) features to support and accelerate the deployment of test data solutions for QA teams. An enterprise-class deployment of TDG assumes…

The Complexities of Work Flow Testing Simplified with GenRocket

Arguably, one of the most challenging tasks for a tester is the testing of complex workflows. Complex workflow testing involves testing multiple business units, interacting with each other, in a…

Copy Domains, Generate CSV Files with Multiple Headers, and other Test Data Features

This blog post focuses on new test data generation features we added to the GenRocket system today. Let's dive in! Copy Domain to Other Projects You can now easily copy…

A Synthetic Test Data Approach to Database Migration Testing

For numerous software applications that have a successful shelf life over many years and many version releases, there may come a time when major changes in the application’s database relational…

Assign Project Version Variable Sets, Admin Reporting, and Usability Improvements

We received some feedback from our customers and partners last week for a few features and general improvements to our test data generation system. Our team was able to turn…

Test Data Management is Switching to Synthetic Data Generation

The paradigm of test data management is being flipped upside down to meet the new needs for agile testing and regulation requirements. Let’s take a look at the current state…