
GenRocket Blog

Test Data Management Vs Test Data Generation

There’s a lot of discussion these days about the need for better Test Data Management as demand increases for more test data sets with more conditions to match DevOp’s needs…

Better Software Testing with Conditioned Test Data

One of the most important aspects of software testing is being able to condition the test data you require to fully run a given test. Conditioned test data gives you the ability…

Software Testing: Reactive vs Proactive

How proactive do you want to be when it comes to fully testing your software application’s source code? It’s an interesting question that can’t easily be answered unless you can…

Software Testing Needs Test Data Generation

While talking to some colleagues via IRC today, we were discussing funny pictures related to bugs in software. As we all laughed and shared different images, I started thinking. Have…

New Feature: Import Your Database Schema

We just released GenRocket version 2.1.0 last week. One of the new features of this release comes from a common question that seems to come up quite often when we're…

Data Generation For Utility Purposes

It is easy to look at Data Generation and think of it in terms of test data. However, there are many other reasons to generate data that might generally be…

GenRocket Makes Test Data Generation More Affordable

GenRocket, Inc. announces new pricing for its test data generation software platform. GenRocket is still just as powerful and easy-to-use but now software developers and quality assurance engineers will find…

Data Generation: Going Beyond The Database

When people talk about data generation, whether it is test data, demo data, or program data, they usually think in terms of the database. That's where we store all of…

GenRocket Launches Test Data Generation Platform that is up to 75% Faster

GenRocket, Inc. announces the launch of V1.1 of its test data generation software platform. GenRocket is still just as powerful but now software developers and quality assurance engineers will find…