
GenRocket Blog

Faster Data Generation with Presets

As we make improvements to GenRocket, one of our main focuses is always on speed and efficiency.  One area where speed really matters is in creating Domains, Attributes, and assigning…

Testers Who Are Passionate About Testing Are Passionate About Test Data

I remember sitting in a team meeting many years ago and the Senior Architect asked the team about testing.  Actually, she asked about the lack of tests.  One of the…

Why Relatable Data Is Important for Test Data Generation and Functional Testing

First let me just say that any kind of test data is better than no test data. That said, some test data is better than others for certain testing scenarios.…

Choosing The Right Test Data Generation Tool

In our last blog post I talked about what test data generation is and why every engineering team should care about it.  I closed that article with 5 questions to…

GenRocket, Inc. Announces the Launch of Easy-to-Use and Powerful Test Data Generation Software Platform Making GenRocket the New Standard for Test Data Generation

GenRocket, Inc. announces that GenRocket, a test data generation platform, is being released for general availability on Monday May 20th, 2013 after many years in development. GenRocket is used by…

What Is Test Data Generation And Why You Should Care

I'm going to go out on a limb and make a bold statement:  testing software is hard.  Okay, not that bold of a statement since we all know that.  No…

Professional Services Launch Party

On a chilly Saturday night in Dedham, MA, at the Rose residence, a large, inviting fire was roaring in the fireplace emanating heat and ambient light throughout the room. A…