A Single Platform for Provisioning Any Kind of Test Data

by admin on Jul 25, 2024

We are excited to share that GenRocket has made a significant leap forward in the field of Test Data Management. Today we publicly announced the immediate availability of a Single Platform for Provisioning Any Kind of Test Data, Revolutionizing the Test Data Management Landscape with the latest edition of our groundbreaking Test Data Automation (TDA) platform.

GenRocket Single Platform for Provisioning Any Kind of Test Data

Key Highlights:

  • Unified Test Data Provisioning: Our platform integrates traditional Test Data Management (TDM) functions with advanced synthetic data generation, providing a comprehensive solution for both production and synthetic data requirements.
  • Enhanced Security and Compliance: GenRocket’s TDA platform allows a graceful transition from the use of copied and masked production data to the use of 100% secure and compliant synthetic data to mitigate risks associated with data breaches.
  • Data by Design and On-Demand: Only GenRocket offers the ability to provision Design-Driven Data to maximize coverage for each test case and delivers it directly into CI/CD pipelines to support faster release cycles and improve software quality.
  • Enterprise-Class Scalability: Handle the diverse data provisioning requirements of your dev and test teams on a global scale with distributed self-service and centralized platform management.

We invite you to read our latest blog article that delves deeper into the features and benefits of our latest TDA advancements. Additionally, you can download our brochure to learn about why Test Data Automation is the future of Test Data Management.

Stay ahead in the digital age with GenRocket’s cutting-edge technology. Schedule a product demonstration today to see how our TDA platform can enhance security, compliance, and efficiency for your organization.

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See how GenRocket can solve your toughest test data challenge with quality synthetic data by-design and on-demand